Monday, February 18, 2019

Yuri and Jess

(first person point of view)
it felt like i was a lone island in a bright blinding sea, the world stretched its self around me as if layers of chromium color alternating and flashing. the light penetrated me as if exposing the loneliness inside me as translucency as i stretched out a hand trying to grasp any color i could to dye my soul any color other then this void that developed inside from all these gilt ridden cracks that remained as scares of my mistakes.

Sadly no substance nor peace was found from the years long war i wage on my self as my body jerked to a grinding halt as reality had done. the world that had wrapped it self around me expanded beyond my grasp once again, taking with it any peace of mind or body

(3rd person point of view)
Yuri heaved and clear fluids spewed from his mouth as his body finally grasped the magnitude of the events the had unfolded around him. the ground coated clear and glistened as Yuri staggered proping himself up agenst a near by brick wall of the dark patch he found himself in that only exited out one way. a bright wide arching doorway almost announcing his release from Erwin's peak but as he sluggishly stepped foot into the light that bathed him almost cleansingly the roar of what he thought was cold winds didnt die down.

to his amazement the sounds the filled his ears presistantly was huge objects rushing down paths or mean feet above in the sky. with shock and amazement he stared up at the sky to see what must be castles or keeps that stretched into the clouds as if he was some mortal child gawking for the first time at someone gifted with red eyes.(A/n Red eyes - means someone is related or has been gifted power from the Leviathan) Sensing his child like expression he gathered himself despite the feeling of needing to dry heave flipping the black hood of his cloak over his head so he could clearly look around with out drawing much attention to what he was inspecting.

as Yuri looked around himself he felt himself slowly get lost in what he could only describe as mass immigration on a massive scale that could only rival the flow of all the rivers in Ausland. he clutched his chest as anxiety wailed up inside him "a vagabonds paradise" he whispered realizing that this was a world where once could get so lost they could potentially forget even who they was good o bad. but to his startling surprise out of the sea of passer byes a man in his young adult hood placed his hand on Yuri's shoulder but to his horror what felt of gentel grip and flesh was made of cold metal, gentally resting on his shoulder "hay are you ok, your heart is beating like crazy" asked the man looking him in the eyes then shifting his view to Yuri's chest as his hand made of metal slipped to his sternum.

yuri swallowed, his throat dry as he tried to speak but nothing came of it but not for a lack of trying as he attempted many times in vain. confused at first it dawned on him that he had parted with his power to ask any thing more of the world in exchange for being trusted into a world filled with excitement and battle awaiting around every corner. he simply nodded that he was fine still in shock someone one could peer inside one most inner feelings from a simple glance and touch "ok then well take it easy ok, by the way nice neuronet replacements" said the man pointing to Yuri's red eyes

as the man walked away yuri could only wonder what he meant by those parting words but what ever they meant maybe it gave him the ability to walk around with out hiding his eyes

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